10577-09-0016-2 JetLift "Super-Plastic" Wheel Bushing - $26.00/Set (Set = 2 Bushings) plus $10.00 in Shipping Charges.


10577-09-0016-2 JetLift "Super-Plastic" Wheel Bushing - $26.00/Set (Set = 2 Bushings) plus $10.00 in Shipping Charges.

from $26.00

JetLift is the World Leader in Watercraft Lift and Transport Systems. Team JetLift focuses on ways to improve all aspects of transporting watercraft. We noticed right away that with the stock bushings in standard plastic wheels that the longevity isn't up to par so amped up our R&D and testing with pro riders and developed new bushings. The JetLift "Super-Plastic" is 10 times more abrasion resistant than steel but has the same lubricity as Teflon. Basically what this translates to is that JetLift bushings are absolutely the best solution for replacing worn out and damaged bushings. Don't risk damaging your tote or trailer rims by using just the stock bushings - upgrade now!

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